Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 2DN

01582 591386

Warden Hill Junior School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Historical Pupil Premium - Strategy 2019/20

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and diminish the difference (close the gap) between them and their peers.  

 “It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.” Source - DfE website.

Amount of Pupil Premium Funding Received 2019/20

 Number of Pupils Eligible 84 
 TOTAL PP Received £114,840




Identified Barriers to Educational Achievement

Warden Hill Junior School (WHJS) has identified the following as barriers for some of the pupils currently in receipt of Pupil Premium (PP):

  • Access to improved language.
  • Access to improved educational opportunities (especially for disadvantaged boys).
  • Parental engagement with school - especially regarding attendance at information and workshop evenings and completion of homework.
  • Low prior attainment – including the number of pupils who are in receipt of Pupil Premium and also on the SEND register for cognition and learning.
  • Behaviour – pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning.

Rationale for expenditure

Accelerated progress is required for PP pupils in several areas across the school, most notably Reading and Mathematics. SLT and other non-classroom based teaching staff work with Year 6 several sessions each week with particular focus on pupils not on target to achieve the expected standard in Reading and Maths. Additional Teaching Assistant (TA) hours have been allocated to provide further support for the Early Bird Reading programme and also the Homework Club – both of which actively target PP children at risk of underachievement. Many of the PP pupils’ parents are unable to afford to pay for school trips, residential and music tuition. In order to support their learning in all areas of the curriculum and to build confidence, the school has allocated funding to pay for these additional expenses throughout the academic year.

Key Expenditure - How the allocation will be spent

Reference Barriers to Educational Achievement Actions Intended Outcome Allocation
PP2001  Access to improved language.  Early Bird Reading (TAs). Pupils have time to read to an adult when they might not otherwise have an opportunity to at home. Reading attainment improves and progress is made. £ 12,840
PP visit to book shop and purchase of book. Children able to experience excitement of new books and have a real impact on books purchased for school library.
Under attaining PP children targeted for inclusion in additional reading groups. Training in order to support specific children.
PP teacher led small group work (MQ). Children show improved progress in mathematics and reading/grammar.
PP2002 Access to improved educational opportunities.

Assisted funding for residential trip in
Year 6 (PGL).

Social skills are developed through participation in a range of off-site activities provided by the school or external providers. £57,000
Assisted funding for residential trip in
Year 5 (G/Water

Participation in O2 Young Voices.

Children have the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the O2 and sing with thousands of others.

Contribution to visiting theatre groups.

Children experience wide range of curriculum enrichment through visiting theatre groups.

Booster classes in Year 6 (all PP boys).

Mathematics and English booster classes after school, small groups ranging from 3 – 10 children.
SLT tracking of PP children / admin time (especially PP boys. Targeted tracking of all children, with a specific focus on PP – data fed back to all staff.
Additional Mathematics sets in Year 6, additional staff available in Year 5 for Mathematics support. Smaller groups allow more 1:1 support and targeted help, leading to improved standards.
Access to Music Services private instrument tuition. Children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument delivered by Luton Music Service.
Mathletics provided for new Free School Meals applications.

A one-year subscription for Mathletics allows children access to this excellent educational product outside of school.

PP2003 Parental engagement

Family Learning sessions for Mathematics and English (Mathletics evening session).

Parents able to help children at home as they are better informed on methods used by their children. £5,000
Homework Club.
After school on Wednesdays and lunchtime sessions within each year group.
Children attend Homework Club, some with parents, allowing them to complete work on time and ask for help if needed from adults in attendance.
Improved attendance - Attendance Officer Role (JP) Improved attendance figures of PP children.
SEND drop-in sessions. Parents have better understanding of ways to support their child's learning.
Coffee mornings (personal invites). Parents feel more comfortable engaging with the school.
PP2004 Low prior attainment Access to Mathletics for children in Year 6.  Children have access to Mathletics at home and at school through early morning and lunchtime classes. £30,000
INSET by guest speakers (questioning, differentiation, spelling, mathematics). External staff CPD raises ability of staff to deliver appropriate and challenging lessons and activities with appropriate differentiation for PP children.
Learning conversations. PP children receive two learning conversations with their class teachers each half term.
Termly Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings for parents. Parents are kept up-to-date with the progress of their child through these detailed meetings where targets and progress against those targets are reviewed.
SEND meetings for class teachers. Regular SEND meetings for class teachers and the Inclusion Manager allow the progress of SEND/PP children to be checked and acted upon.
Small group interventions.  Targeted small group and 1:1 interventions.
PP2005 Behaviour Therapy support in school Improved behaviour for learning. £10,000
Sherwood Training. Training for all members of staff who would be in direct contact with a vulnerable PP child. 
Nurture Group Work (CH).
Lunchtime provision for additional clubs and additional adult support at lunchtimes for specific children. Additional provision of an adult to support vulnerable PP children at lunchtimes.
Access to the Lantern Behaviour Provision.
Total £114,840


How will the School Measure the Impact of the Pupil Premium? 

To monitor progress on attainment, new measures have been included in the performance tables that will capture the achievement of pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium. At Warden Hill Junior School, the usual cycle of data collection and the monitoring and tracking of the cohort’s attainment, will be used to inform pupil progress and enable the early identification of need, support and appropriate intervention. Review meetings will take place at each milestone (approximately every 9 weeks) and will include a member of SLT.

At each PP Strategy Meeting the school will review the impact of actions taken and will plan accordingly. When selecting pupils for Pupil Premium target groups, the school will look at all pupils across the school. There are some pupils who are not eligible for PP who will benefit from these groups if their needs are similar and we believe progress can be made towards individual targets.

Pupil Premium funding and the impact of this is a regular item at the Governors meetings.

Designated staff member in charge: Mr T. Hayden

Nominated Governor: Mrs Z. Malik


Date of next Pupil Premium Strategy Reviews: 

7th October 2019, 3rd February 2020, 23rd March 2020, 18th May 2020, 13th July 2020

*A PDF version of this information can be downloaded by clicking here*