Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 2DN

01582 591386

Warden Hill Junior School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Relationships and Health Education

Relationships Education is compulsory in all primary schools in England, Relationships and Sex Education is compulsory in all secondary schools in England. Health Education is compulsory in all state-funded schools in England. Parents are not able to withdraw their children from these lessons.

At Warden Hill Junior School this work sits within our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) Education curriculum and covers healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. There is also an emphasis on how to live a healthy and safe lifestyle, which includes mental health and how to seek help.

The resource we use for part of this work is the Christopher Winter programme of study, recommended for Luton schools by our Local Authority. This programme was agreed through consultation with parents and governors during 2019/2020, although full delivery of it was delayed until Summer 2022.

The lessons in the programme identified as Sex Education have been removed from our programme in line with this consultation. All lessons delivered are identified as Health and/or Relationships Education. The lessons do include age-appropriate references to the accurate names for body parts, the reproductive system and how the body changes during puberty. The overview of the programme can be viewed below.

We hold a meeting for parents prior to the delivery of these lessons so that parents can view the resources to be used in full.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Nichols who leads on PSHE Education, or Mrs Chambers is who is the link governor.

Learning Intentions

Year 3 
Lesson 1
  • To identify that people are unique and to respect those differences
  • To explore the difference between male and female bodies
Lesson 2
  • To consider appropriate and inappropriate physical contact and consent
Lesson 3
  • To explore different types of families and who to go to for help and support
Year 4 
Lesson 1
  • To explore the human lifecycle To identify some basic facts about puberty
Lesson 2
  • To explore how puberty is linked to reproduction
Lesson 3
  • To explore respect in a range of relationships
  • To discuss the characteristics of healthy relationships
Year 5 
Lesson 1
  • To explore the emotional and physical changes occurring in puberty
Lesson 2
  • To understand male and female puberty changes in more detail
Lesson 3
  • To explore the impact of puberty on the body and the importance of physical hygiene
  • To explore ways to get support during puberty
Year 6 
Lesson 1
  • To consider puberty and reproduction
Lesson 2
  • To explore the importance of communication and respect in relationships
Lesson 3
  • To explore positive and negative ways of communicating in a relationship
Lesson 4
  • To explore practical steps that could be taken in a range of contexts to support respectful relationships


Useful links for parents:

WHJS Relationships and Health Education Policy 2024